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Category: Resources

Chelsea Architectural Guidelines

Chelsea is the gateway into Chestermere. It will be the landing place for everyone who is driving home or coming to explore.

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Get to know Chelsea from the comfort of your home.

From virtual showhome tours to details about Chelsea and how to get in touch with our builder partners, we’ve compiled everything you need to find about Chelsea on one page.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Click to learn even more about Chelsea.

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The developer (Chestermere Joint Venture) reserves the right to make changes and modifications to the information contained herein. Maps, views, photography, and renderings are representational only and are not necessarily accurate, and final design, construction, and features may differ. Floor plans, layouts, finishes, prices, and availability are subject to change without notice. Please contact a developer sales representative for details. This is not an offering for sale, as an offering can only be made after the filing of a disclosure statement, and only in jurisdictions where qualified in accordance with applicable local laws. E. & O.E.”